Updated 3 April 2024
Amberley Lodge - Purley is a residential care home providing nursing care and specialises in dementia care and end of life care.
People received safe care and support by staff trained to recognise signs of abuse and risk and they understood how support people safely. Each person had a care plan and a range of risk assessments in place. People were supported to take positive risks, to ensure they had as much choice and control of their lives as possible. The environment was clean and fresh throughout the home. An effective cleaning schedule was in place, which helped to ensure people were safe from infection. Staff received training in infection control and food hygiene.
Safe medicines practices were followed. There were enough staff to meet people's needs. Robust and safe recruitment practices were in place. Staff received training to meet peoples support and care needs.
Staff supported people in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests. The policies and systems supported staff practice and enabled people to be involved in their care planning. The provider had effective systems to support people’s diverse needs and protect their lifestyle choices.
The service was outstandingly caring and responsive. Staff were exceptionally kind and caring and demonstrated a real empathy and understanding of people with dementia. Staff knew people well. The service had a strong, visible person-centred culture. People were supported to maintain relationships and social contacts. People were given the privacy and dignity they needed. The service was innovative in relation to end of life care.
Arrangements for social activities showed a creative approach that met people's needs and helped them lead a full life. Relatives and professionals agreed the service was excellent at providing person-centred care. The service was outstandingly well-led by the registered manager and management team.