Updated 17 June 2024
Lennox House is a care home providing personal and nursing care for up to 87 adults. This includes dementia care. On the day of our on-site inspection there were 54 residents.
At the time of our previous inspection there was an embargo on new admissions due to building safety. These issues have now been resolved and the embargo lifted. There is a plan to continually increase the number of residents in a safe and measured manner until all floors are open. This includes gradual admissions and staff increases.
We carried out our assessment of Lennox House including both on-site inspection and remote assessment. The on-site inspection took place on 31 July 2024. This was an unannounced inspection. The inspection team consisted of 2 adult social care inspectors, 1 medicines inspector, 1 specialist adviser in nursing and 1 expert by experience with lived experience of dementia and nursing care.
During the assessment we spoke to staff members in a variety of roles as well as residents and residents’ friends/family members.
We found Lennox House to be a good care home with no breaches in regulation across the key questions we looked at. People were well looked after and there was a person-centred approach to their care. Staff were well trained to perform their roles safely and demonstrated good relationships with the people they supported. The care home was well led by the registered manager who showed good oversight of the service and was well supported by senior management. All staff shared a joint vision for the service and people they cared for. We saw good examples of joined up working with partner agencies.