21 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We spoke to people that use the service and their relatives which showed us that people were being treated with dignity and respect and people's independence was encouraged. Family members we spoke with told us they felt that their relatives were very well cared for and that they were involved in making decisions about their relative's care and treatment through regular review meetings.
Discussions with staff, relatives and people that use the service showed us that people were able to make their own choices about what support they received and activities they took part in. People told us that staff were very good at their jobs and very reliable when delivering support.
Staff that we spoke with felt very valued and supported and said that supervision and training provided was great and that they often received positive feedback from their manager about their work. Staff records that we looked at confirmed this. We saw staff training records this showed us that staff were qualified and competent to look after people.
During our visit we saw that people's records were accurate and stored securely in locked filing cabinets within the office.
The agency monitored quality assurance through gathering feedback from people that use the service, relatives and their staff.