5 July 2017
During a routine inspection
At the last inspection, in August 2015, the service was rated Good. At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
People continued to receive care which protected them from avoidable harm and abuse. Risks to people’s safety were identified and measures were in place to help reduce these risks. When people required support to take their medicines this only happened when staff had received the training to do so. Regular checks on staff practices were undertaken to support people’s safety.
Staff were available to respond to and meet people's needs safely without people feeling rushed and/or care calls being missed. Recruitment checks were completed on potential new staff to make sure they were suitable to support people in their own homes.
People were provided with care which continued to be effective in meeting their particular needs. Staff had received training to provide them the skills and knowledge they needed to provide the right care and support people required.
Staff asked people's permission before they assisted them with any care or support. People's right to make their own decisions about care and how they were supported by staff was respected. When needed, arrangements were in place to support people in remaining in good health and have enough to eat and drink.
People continued to receive support from staff that had a caring approach. People knew the staff that supported them and had good relationships with them. People felt involved in their own care and staff listened to how they preferred their care and support to be delivered. Staff respected people's privacy and dignity when they supported them and promoted their independence.
People were provided with care and support which was individual to them. Their care and support needs were kept under review and staff responded when there were changes in these needs.
People were encouraged to raise concerns and make complaints and were happy these would be responded to. The management team used feedback from complaints and questionnaires to assist them in identifying areas of improvements for the benefit of people.
Staff were happy in their work and were clear about their roles and responsibilities. There was an ethos of continuously looking for improvement of the service delivered.
There was a clearly defined management structure which had changed since our previous inspection. People felt listened to when they provided feedback about the service they received and knew about the changes. The management team worked well together and developed systems so they continued to be effective and responsive in assessing and monitoring the quality of the service provided.