18 October 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with three members of the domiciliary care agency (DCA) and two people who used the service. We spoke in detail with the registered manager and her deputy. We also met with an external trainer. After the inspection day itself we attempted to speak with four further service users by telephone, but people using services were not always willing or able to speak with us.
On the day of inspection we reviewed policies, care records, medication records, staff personnel files and staff training records together with a range of other relevant documentation. We observed that people were treated with respect and service users confirmed to us that they were consulted about and involved in their own care.
People told us that they were happy and satisfied with the care and support that they received. One person who used the service told us, 'AlI the staff are very good. They are kind and help me with all I need." We saw that medication was managed correctly. Staff appointment and management procedures were followed and proper records made which helped to keep people safe. Training, support and supervision enabled staff to deliver care to an appropriate standard. People's health, welfare and safety were monitored.
We looked at the skills of staff in relation to the identification of and prevention of abuse. Staff were given appropriate training and support to help to safeguard service users.