7 October 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We returned to Larchwood Nursing and Residential Home and found that improvements had been made.
We returned to Larchwood Nursing and Residential Home and found that improvements had been made.
We spoke with six people living at Larchwood, most of whom were content. One person told us, 'I'm very happy here, I'm well looked after.' Another person said, 'Staff know me and what I like, they make sure I'm okay.' We also spoke with one relative who praised the care their family member received.
Managers had developed an action plan to help make improvements around management of medicines and we found appropriate arrangements for the recording, handling and safe administration of medicines.
We found that people's dignity was respected and their safety was ensured as call bells were within reach for people. The manager had instigated daily walk arounds to ensure that standards were being upheld.
People with health conditions that had not been reflected in their care planning previously now had needs assessments and care plans in place to support their individual requirements.
The complaints system was now being brought to the attention of service users and anyone else who may wish to make a complaint about the service.
We met and spoke with people living at Larchwood. One person told us 'Everybody's very friendly, it's a wonderful place.' Another said 'I'm quite happy living here, it's about as good as the rest I reckon.' However some people raised issues relating to delays in answering call bells and queried whether their particular needs and other people's needs were met and understood by staff.
We found instances where people's dignity was not being maintained and these were brought to the manager's attention. For example, one person was partially clothed sitting in a wheelchair covered by a stained sheet whilst waiting for staff to attend to them.
Whilst there was a complaints procedure this had not been made available to people. However, we found that where a complaint had been made the manager had responded in detail and the response made was appropriate. One complaint was outstanding at the time of our visit.
We spoke with three members of staff who all confirmed they felt the previous issues with regards to adequate staffing of the home were improving. People using the service also commented on the improvements they had seen. One person stated "There used to be too many agency staff - these girls [the staff] know their jobs well". Another person commented "Things have really improved since [the manager] came - my [relative] comes every day and has seen changes - when calling for help staff come quicker and are more supportive". Our observations during the day demonstrated that the environment was calm, call bells did not remain unanswered for long periods of time and staff were enabled to spend time with people during lunch time to hold conversation.
We found that the home had made improvements following our last inspection. We found that all the actions required to be met following our review of compliance in June 2012 had been met. This meant that the home was found to be compliant with the Health and Social Care Act (Regulated Activities) Regulations.