An anonymous concern was raised with the Commission about staff being rude to the people using the service and there sometimes being insufficient staff. In the light of this, the inspection focussed on observing the way staff interacted with the people using the service and obtaining their views about the care they receive. We also talked with people's relatives and healthcare professionals involved in the service. Limited information was obtained from the people using the service due to communication difficulties. However their comments included:
'The staff are very kind.'
'I like living at the home.'
'The girls are lovely.'
'The staff are very good.'
'I really enjoyed my lunch.'
The relatives of the people using the service were very happy with the standard of the care provided. Their comments included:
'The staff are lovely.'
'The manager is very good and very caring. She runs a good home and is very efficient.'
'The manager is excellent, there is always good communication.'
'The manager is brilliant, she always knows about my relative's care needs. I would recommend this home to anyone.'
'The staff are excellent, they always keep me informed about what going on.'
'The staff attitude is very good, they are very caring. The staff team is consistent which is good.'
'The staff are very quick to respond to issues. They will call the doctor straight away, they are very professional. I would recommend this home.'
'The home has a lovely atmosphere and is very calm, I'm always made welcome.'
'My mum had an accident while she was in the home. The staff member who accompanied her to hospital was lovely, she gave her lots of reassurance. I really would recommend this home to anyone.'
Health care professionals involved in the service praised the staff team for the way they look after the people using the service. They said the home was very well managed. Their comments included:
'The staff are very good, they always keep me informed about any issues and carry out my instructions well. I have never seen staff carry out bad practice or seen signs of abuse'. I would recommend this home.'
'I've always had a good working relationship with the manager and staff. The staff are responsive and proactive and I have never had any difficulties with the home. The manager is very good.'
'The staff are always welcoming and friendly. I am always kept informed about what's going on with client. The manager is very efficient and responds quickly to requests and feeds back information promptly. I have only had positive feedback from relatives about the care provided.'
'Communication with the manager is good. She is very efficient and I am always kept informed about my patient's care needs. The staff follow instructions well. I have never seen any signs of abuse and never heard staff speak badly to residents. I would recommend this home to any relative.'
'The staff are very good and I have a good relationship with the manager who will ring for advice and make a referral to the GP appropriately. The manager is always aware of peoples' care needs. I provided the staff with some training earlier in the year. Staff have taken on board this training and I have noticed an improvement in the way they manage one aspect of peoples' care needs.'
'I have never seen any bad practice in the home. The care is good and the staff are friendly and professional.'