26 February 2013
During a routine inspection
The person we spoke with told us they enjoyed their stays at Faro Lodge and told us the staff let them choose what to eat and asked them what they wanted to do. They told us they always felt safe when they came to stay.
Relatives we spoke with were very complimentary about the service, and said that it was 'A fantastic place and the staff are wonderful'. They also told us they were kept informed of what was happening to their relative.
Care plans gave staff suitable guidance for them to follow to ensure they were able to provide the care and support that each person needed. Risks to individuals had been assessed.
Staff had undergone sufficient training relevant to their role, so they were able to offer people the support they needed. Staff had received regular supervision and an annual appraisal of their development. They told us they felt supported by the manager and the staff team.
Relatives and the one person we spoke with told us they would be comfortable talking with staff should they wish to raise a concern. Two relatives told us where they had raised issues in the past they have been dealt with to their satisfaction.