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The West Gate

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

2-4 Canterbury Road, Westgate-on-Sea, Margate, Kent, CT8 8JJ (01843) 831585

Provided and run by:
Bedstone Limited

Important: The provider of this service has requested a review of one or more of the ratings.

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 7 June 2024

Date of assessment: 11 June to 31 July 2024. We completed this assessment in response to concerns about the management of people’s safety. We found 3 breaches of regulation relating to safe care and treatment, safeguarding and the management of the service. Potential risks to people’s health and welfare had not always been consistently assessed, there was not always guidance for staff to follow. Incidents had not always been analysed to identify patterns and action had not been taken quickly to reduce the risk of the incidents happening again. Incidents had not always been recognised and reported as safeguarding concerns. The provider had systems in place to monitor the quality of the service. However, the systems had not been used effectively by the management team. When shortfalls were identified, these were added to an action plan. There had been little action taken to rectify the shortfalls and some actions had not been completed though they had been identified over 6 months previously. Staff had not received regular supervision and had not consistently received training to meet people’s needs. There had not been quality assurance completed yearly following the provider’s policy. People, relatives and staff had not been invited to regular meetings to express their views on the service. Staff were positive about the support they were given by the management team and were confident to raise concerns. Medicines were managed safely and people received their medicines as prescribed.

People's experience of the service

Updated 7 June 2024

People and relatives, we spoke with, told us they felt safe living at the service and received a good service. Relatives expressed they were satisfied with the support people received from staff. They told us, they were informed of incidents and when people’s needs changed. People had access to healthcare professionals and received their medicines as prescribed. People told us, they were comfortable to speak to staff and the management team if they had any concerns. People felt supported by staff who knew them well. Relatives and people thought there were enough staff and they responded quickly to incidents or accidents.