About the service: Abbeyfield Ferring Society is a domiciliary care agency that provides personal care for people living in their own homes. At the time of this inspection, 20 people were receiving personal care support from the service.
People’s experience of using this service:
People told us they felt safe with staff who supported them. Risks to people had been identified and assessed and were managed safely by staff. People said staff arrived on time and they were informed in advance of which carers would be supporting them. Staff supported people to take their medicines or reminded them when they were due. People were protected from the risk of infection. Staff wore disposable aprons and gloves when providing people with personal care.
People’s needs were assessed to see whether their needs could be met, and in relation to staff availability, before they used the service. Staff completed a range of training to undertake their roles and responsibilities and had regular supervision meetings with their line managers. Where people required support in the preparation of meals, staff had been trained to do this safely. People had access to a range of healthcare professionals and services and staff supported people to attend appointments when needed. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
People were supported by kind and caring staff who knew them well. People and their relatives were encouraged to make decisions about their care. People’s diverse needs were catered for and they were treated with dignity and respect.
Care was personalised to meet people’s needs. Care plans provided detailed information and guidance for staff on people’s care and support needs, likes and dislikes, and the way they wanted to receive personal care. Information could be provided to people in an accessible format. Complaints were dealt with in line with the provider’s policy.
People and their relatives spoke highly of the service. One person told us, “They are nice, friendly girls [staff]. They always come in with a smile”. Their feedback was sought through surveys they received from the provider. Staff enjoyed working for Abbeyfield Ferring Society and felt supported by management. A system of quality audits were used to monitor and measure the service and any areas for improvement were actioned. Links had been developed with other organisations to develop community involvement.
Rating at last inspection:
At the last inspection, this service was rated as Good (published in September 2016).
Why we inspected:
This inspection took place in line with CQC scheduling guidelines for adult social care services.
Follow up:
We will review the service in line with our methodology for ‘Good’ services.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk