This inspection took place on 07 and 08 December 2015 and the first day was unannounced.
This was the home’s first inspection since Decorum Care and Support Services Limited took ownership of Southlands Residential Care Home in April 2015.
The home is registered to provide accommodation for up to 30 people who require nursing or personal care due to a physical or sensory disability, or poor health. The home does not provide nursing care. This is provided by the community nursing service when required. At the time of our inspection there were 26 people living at the home.
The home had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
We looked at the way in which the home managed people’s medicines. While in general this was done safely we did find some medicines had been dispensed in to lidded and named pots to be given at a later time. The registered manager confirmed this was against the home’s policy and they were confident this was not common practice. They took action to identify the staff member involved and to destroy the medicines.
People told us they felt safe living at Southlands and their relatives also had confidence their relations were safe and well cared for. They were complementary about the staff team. Their comments included, “Wonderful carers”, “It’s marvellous here” and “They will do anything for you. This is a homely, friendly place”.
All those we spoke to, people, their relatives and staff, felt the home was well managed and they expressed confidence in the registered manager and provider. One person said of the registered manager, “The manager will come around and have a chat, very visual, always here”. The provider was described as “a very nice man” and “he has definitely improved things”.
Anyone newly admitted to the home was provided with a ‘Welcome Ambassador’. This was a member of staff whose role was to show them around and introduce them to the other people living in the home, and to provide them with information about the life in the home. They were also provided with a ‘Welcome to Southlands’ document which gave them information about the home, how to raise a concern as well as emphasising the home’s person-centred approach to supporting people. People and relatives were aware of how to make a complaint and all felt they would have no problem raising any issues. One relative said “I’m confident that any concerns would be dealt with.” People said “I can’t think of anything” or “I can’t find fault” when asked if there was anything that would make the home more comfortable for them.
The provider told us their philosophy in providing a care service to people was ensuring they remained “involved and in control”. They said this meant people were to be “involved in the daily life of the home” and “to be in control of the way they wished to live and what support they receive.”
People told us they were consulted about their care needs and how they wished to be supported. Care plans provided guidance for staff about people’s care needs and how to manage any associated risks, such as those related to their mobility or conditions such as diabetes. Accidents were documented and reviewed to identify how the accident came about and what actions could be taken to reduce the risk of a reoccurrence. Staff understood people’s rights to make decisions about their care and treatment and respected these.
People had prompt access to their GP or other health care professionals such as the community nurses. One health care professional visiting the home at the time of the inspection told us they had a good relationship with the staff who contacted them promptly for support and advice. They were confident the staff were meeting people’s care needs well.
People told us they liked the food and had a good choice available to them. The cook confirmed menus were planned around people’s likes, dislikes and dietary needs, and people were invited to meet with them and contribute to the menu planning. Nutritional assessments identified people who were at risk of not eating or drinking enough to maintain their health, and their food and fluid intake was being monitored. People were referred to their GP for further support if necessary. Where nutritionally enhanced drinks were provided these were presented very attractively with whipped cream and chocolate sauce to make them more appetising for people.
Staff provided meals in a manner that promoted people’s independence. For example, one person had their meal presented in a number of small bowls which they were able to lift up to eat from. On the second day of the inspection, one person was celebrating their birthday. They told us they had been asked what they would like to have for lunch, saying they could choose anything they wished.
There were sufficient staff on duty to meet people’s care needs. Staff had received training to ensure they had the knowledge and skills to care for people well. They also received training in safeguarding adults and they had clear information about what action to take if they had a concern over someone’s welfare. Staff were aware of the home’s whistle-blowing procedure.
Staff recruitment processes were safe, ensuring as far as possible only suitable staff were employed at the home. People were invited to be involved in staff interviews. Newly employed staff received an introduction to the people living in the home and worked alongside an experienced member of staff until they had completed training in health and safety topics. They were also enrolled to undertake the Care Certificate.
Staff told us they felt very well supported by their colleagues, the registered manager and the provider. Their comments included, “I feel well supported”, and “This is a lovely place to work”. They received regular supervision and attended meetings to discuss how well the home was meeting people’s needs and to share their ideas and suggestions.
Since the change of ownership, the home had employed an activity co-ordinator. They consulted with, planned and supported people to be involved in a variety of activities, in and out of the home. People had been invited to join an ‘activity committee’ to discuss with others what leisure and social activities they would like to see planned. Group and individual activities were planned for both mornings and afternoons each weekday.
The registered manager used a range of quality monitoring systems to continually review and improve the service and made a report to the provider each month. Regular staff and resident and family meetings allowed the sharing of ideas and promoted the development of the service.
People told us the home was always clean and tidy. The premises and equipment was well maintained to ensure people’s safety.