1 May 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found that the provider now had effective systems in place that maintained appropriate standards of cleanliness and hygiene to protect people from the risks of a health care related infection.
Many improvements had been made, including upgrading the sinks in the decontamination room, regular legionnaire testing on the water supply and hand gels now mounted on the walls.
Staff were supported in the workplace. Annual appraisals had been implemented that covered staff competency, training and development. Staff files reflected the training they had received. It was evident that dental nurses were undertaking their continuous professional development to maintain their skill levels. We spoke with three members of staff on the day of our visit who all felt supported by the provider.
The provider had undertaken a number of audits to assess the quality of the services they provided. Where areas for improvement had been identified these were actioned and discussed with staff for learning purposes.