SummaryWe considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask: -
' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well-led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.
Is the service safe?
People were comfortable and relaxed during our inspection. We observed care being provided in a dignified and supportive manner. People told us they felt safe and respected. One person told us, 'They keep my dignity at all times. I feel very well respected'.
Our discussions with staff confirmed they understood the needs of the people in their care. This matched the information we found in people's care records. This meant the provider had protected people from unsafe care by ensuring care planning and risk assessment was appropriate.
During our discussions with staff we noted they had a good understanding of safe administration and recording of medication. Appropriate training had been provided to underpin this. One person confirmed, 'The staff look after my medication, which is great. It keeps me safe'. This demonstrated people were protected against unsafe medication practices because the manager had ensured effective systems were in place.
Is the service effective?
People told us they felt the home was effective in meeting their needs. One person said, 'The manager is great and she's very supportive with my needs'.
Documents we reviewed showed support plans and risk assessments were individualised and regularly updated. Support planning matched people's assessed needs. This meant people were protected against ineffective care provision because people's needs were adequately assessed.
People were supported with their nutrition and hydration needs. Care records we reviewed held documents that assessed people's requirements and monitored their weight and general progress. Menu options were available and service users commented they enjoyed their meals. This demonstrated Westfield appropriately supported people to maintain their nutritional needs. A relative said, ''My mum loves her food. The meals are great here''.
We noted that staff had received annual appraisals and team meetings. Staff told us they felt supported by the managers. Staff had received formal supervision. However, two staff files we reviewed had no recorded supervision since September 2013. This meant staff were not always fully supported because formal supervision was not provided on a regular and consistent basis. We were assured this would be addressed as a priority.
Is the service caring?
People consistently stated that the home delivered a caring and supportive service. One person told us, 'I have always found the staff to be polite and respectful. We can have a laugh'.
People were comfortable and relaxed during our inspection. Staff engaged with people in their care in a friendly, supportive and appropriate manner. One staff member said, 'It's important to interact with people as a way of improving their quality of life. I treat people as I would like to be treated'.
Is the service responsive?
One person told us, 'The staff discuss my care with me and if anything needs to change'. A relative added, 'When my mum's been unwell, they always let us know and ring the GP straight away'. This demonstrated the home checked and responded to people's changing needs.
Westfield had undertaken annual satisfaction surveys and regular resident and staff meetings were held. We were told that any negative feedback was responded to. This showed the home was proactive in seeking people's views about the quality of care delivery.
Is the service well-led?
Westfield had quality audits in place to monitor service delivery. Other regular processes underpinned this, such as satisfaction surveys and resident and team meetings. This meant people were protected against inappropriate support because the manager had systems to check the quality of care. A relative told us, 'They ask me for feedback regularly. I did this recently online. If I had any issues I'm certain they would deal with these safely and promptly'.
Care delivery was well-led and there were clear lines of responsibility. Care planning was in-depth and personalised. This was reflected in our observations during our inspection. This meant Westfield delivered appropriate and safe care because the home was well-led.