• Dentist
  • Dentist

Orthohemel Limited

14 Hillfield Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 4AB (01442) 232041

Provided and run by:
Orthoplus LLP

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

We had previously undertaken an on-site assessment of Orthohemel Limited on 3 September 2024 under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions. We found the registered provider was not providing well-led care and was in breach of regulation 17 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. We undertook a follow up off-site focused assessment on 18 December 2024. This assessment was carried out to review the actions taken by the registered provider to improve the quality of care and to confirm that the practice was now meeting legal requirements. We found the practice had met all regulations. The practice now had effective systems to manage risks. Recruitment procedures reflected current legislation and there was effective leadership and a culture of continuous improvement. Infection control procedures followed published guidance. The practice is in Hemel Hempstead and provides NHS and private orthodontic care and treatment for adults and children. There was step free access to the practice and car parking spaces, were available near the practice. The practice had 1 treatment area with 4 dental chairs and 1 consulting room. During the assessment we spoke with the practice manager.

During an assessment under our new approach

We carried out this on-site announced assessment on 3 September 2024. We found the practice had not met all regulations. Patients’ care and treatment was provided in line with current guidance. Patients were treated with dignity and respect. At the time of our assessment, patients could access care, support and treatment when required. There was, however, a lack of effective leadership, and not all risks associated with undertaking of regulated activities had been suitably identified and mitigated. Improvement could be made to recruitment procedures to ensure that appropriate checks are completed prior to new staff commencing employment at the practice. Infection control procedures did not entirely follow published guidance. Orthohemel Limited is in Hemel Hempstead and provides NHS and private orthodontic care and treatment for adults and children. At the time of our assessment, the dental team included the principal dentist, 2 specialist orthodontists, 2 associate dentists with a special interest in orthodontics, 4 dental nurses, 1 practice manager and an assistant manager. The practice had 1 treatment area with 4 dental chairs and 1 consulting room. During the assessment we spoke with 1 dentist, 2 orthodontic nurses and the practice manager. The provider was not complying with 1 regulation. Full details of the regulation the provider was not meeting are within the quality statement section of the report. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found at this assessment.

28 November 2013

During a routine inspection

We did not speak to people who used the service as part of our compliance inspection. However we did observe people in the treatment area which was a large 'open plan area' and we saw that people who used the service appeared relaxed during their examination. We noted from records that people were usually referred to this service for specialist orthodontic treatment. We noted from records that people had consented to their treatment and any questions they had were answered. People had a full oral check and the dentist explained the different treatment options available to people and discussed the benefits of different options. This helped people make informed decisions before embarking on a course of treatment.

If people had to pay for treatment following an assessment, there were a number of payment options available to them, around paying for their treatment. Information packs were available for new patients.

We were shown treatment records and noted that people had been asked for their medical histories when they first started using the service, this included any medications they were taking.

These records were updated and reviewed at each follow up visit.

We observed the environment and equipment were very clean and well maintained.

Staff talked us accurately through the decontamination process, and we observed that staff would wear protective equipment while assisting the dentists and again during the cleaning and decontamination of equipment.