We spoke with one person who used the service. They told us that the dentist explained the treatment options to them and explained the benefits and risks of each option. They said, "[The dentist] explained the options, the benefits and risks and the cost of each of them." They told us that they were very happy with the treatment that they had received and said, "They are very good." We looked at the treatment records of three people who used the service. These showed that people had been asked to complete a full medical history before they received treatment and that this was updated at the start of each course of treatment. People's records contained details of all treatments that had been given. This included the date of the treatment, any advice given and the date of any follow up that was required.
One of the dental nurses showed us the cleaning schedules for the service. However, not all areas in one of the treatment rooms could be cleaned effectively.
We looked at the record of the appraisal meeting held with one of the two dental nurses on 06 January 2014. We saw that the dental nurse had been given the opportunity to assess their own performance and to discuss this with the manager.
We saw that the service had a supply of survey forms and a box for completed forms to be collected in on a table in the waiting area.