Updated 1 July 2024
Cavell court is a 'care home' that provides care and support to older people some of whom may be living with dementia. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as a single package under one contractual agreement. Cavell court can accommodate up to 80 people over 5 suites across 3 floors. On the first day of the assessment there were 67 people living at the service. We completed our unannounced on-site assessment on 8 August 2024 and 14 August 2024. Prior to our visit we requested some information and received email contact from ten relatives, 4 health care professionals and 4 staff. On site we used an expert by experience to gain the views of 5 relatives and 5 people using the service. 3 inspectors carried out observations, spoke with staff, volunteers, visitors, and health care professionals. We carried out a medicines audit and staff record check as well as reviewing care plans, maintenance records and provider led audits.
The local authority advised us that improvements were necessary following their visit last year. CQCs last inspection was in August 2021 and the service was rated good. During our recent assessment we identified improvements were being made to improve people’s experiences in care and recruitment of staff was robust. We found however that not all staff were working effectively to ensure people received a consistently good service. People’s experiences could be improved by having a named staff member, (key worker) to oversee the person’s care and ensure that their individual preferences are known. More staff champions would support staff to develop their skills and promote good standards of care. Staff practices varied and some staff would benefit from more top-down support and senior leaders modelling good practice. People would benefit from a more varied activity programme supported by all staff and staff recognising the importance of sitting with people to talk, reminisce and promote their well being