Patients we spoke with described the nursing staff as "very polite" and said that they had "a good opinion of this place. They told us they felt well cared for and safe, and that the staff were always "professional". We looked at electronic patient records and saw that care was planned and recorded in a way that ensured that individual needs were accurately reflected and addressed.People's diversity, values and human rights were respected.
There were arrangements in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies .
People who use the service were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening.
Although medicines were stored securely and individual prescriptions were safely carried out, we found that the provider did not follow published guidance relating to supply and administration of medicines under patient group directions.
Staff told us they felt well supported, and that they received regular training and other Information in a timely manner. We saw that staffing levels were consistent, and that staff were appraised annually.
People who use the service and staff were supported to give feedback in a variety of ways. The quality of the service was monitored at local and provider level through ongoing clinical and environmental audits and risk assessments, and learning points were shared and acted upon.