14 October 2013
During a routine inspection
People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. A community nurse we spoke with said, 'For each patient we see we complete an initial assessment which is a full nursing assessment.'
A rehabilitation assistant we spoke with told us, 'We have an infection control link that works in the team so we can ask them any questions and get advice' and 'We follow check sheets when doing the cleaning of equipment to make sure infection control is managed.'
We saw evidence that staff had attended specific training pertinent to their role to ensure they had the skills and knowledge to perform to an expected standard.
During our inspection we noted that complaints and compliments information leaflets were available at every site we visited. A head of service told us, 'We send 80 questionnaires out each month to gauge the level of service we provide.' We saw evidence that feedback had been received and used to improve services.