16 August 2012
During a themed inspection looking at Domiciliary Care Services
We used telephone interviews and home visits to people who use the service and to their main carers (a relative or friend) to gain views about the service.
We visited five people in their own homes as part of this inspection and spoke with them about their experiences of the support they had received. We also spoke with the relative of two people who received the service, three care workers and the registered manager.
We spoke with seven people over the telephone. All of the people spoken with told us that their care was personalised to their needs and that their privacy, dignity and independence was respected. For example, one person said, 'They encouraged me to do things for myself as much as possible. I felt encouraged by this attitude.'
Everyone we spoke with felt that staff were well trained and competent. One person said, 'My care worker knows what she is doing. I feel safe with her.'
Everyone we spoke with had been given information on how to make a complaint. One person told us, [care worker] is very good. I have had no complaints. If I had any concerns, I know [care worker] would sort it out.'
Everyone we spoke with told us they were happy with the service they received.