• Care Home
  • Care home

Waterloo House Rest Home Limited

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

103 Waterloo Road, Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 1BY (01670) 351992

Provided and run by:
Waterloo House Rest Home Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 15 March 2024

Date of assessment – 20 March 2024 – 4 April 2024. This was a responsive assessment due to the receipt of a number of concerns in relation to the premises, infection prevention and control, and the management of medicines. We previously rated the Effective domain as requires improvement so included all quality statements relating to Effective. We found no concerns in relation to the premises or infection prevention and control. Environmental concerns had been addressed and the home had undergone some refurbishment and redecoration. Risks were assessed and mitigated although some risk assessments would benefit from more detail. Staff worked as a team to ensure people received timely and effective care. They worked well with other professionals to ensure their health and wellbeing needs were met in a timely manner. Governance systems were in place and were being used to drive improvements. However, audits of medicines records were not completed to ensure they were accurate, up to date and contemporaneous. We discussed this with the management team who agreed this was an area for improvement.

People's experience of the service

Updated 15 March 2024

Overall, everyone we spoke with said the service was safe and they were happy with the care and support provided. Comments included, “We have no concerns, my family member is safe, all the care is good, the staff are permanent, regular staff and we have got to know them.” One family member shared some concerns around their loved one’s care which they had previously raised with the registered manager. People said they were involved in care planning and received care that was appropriate to their needs. People were complimentary of the approach of staff commenting they were kind, caring, respectful and gave people the time they needed so they were not rushed.