15 March 2017
During a routine inspection
At the last inspection on 9 April 2015 , the service was rated Good.
At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
People’s care was planned to meet their needs. Potential risks were identified and management
plans were in place to guide staff on the best way to reduce the risks. Staff understood their role in protecting people from harm and poor care. People were supported by a sufficient number of staff. The provider followed recruitment processes to ensure staff were suitable to work within a caring environment. People received their medicines because there were arrangements in place for safe storage, administration and stock control.
Staff had access to training and support to improve their knowledge of care and enhance their skills. People were provided with a choice of nutritious food and plentiful drinks. Staff supported people to retain their independence and when support was required it was provided in a kind and reassuring manner which protected people’s dignity.
Staff understood the importance of gaining consent from people. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service support this practice. People received the care they preferred because staff asked them and their relatives about their likes and dislikes. People and their relatives were able to regularly review their care to ensure it was still appropriate for them. People enjoyed a varied programme of entertainment and support with their hobbies to prevent them from becoming socially isolated. People and relatives felt empowered to discuss any concerns or complaints with staff and the registered manager.
People, visitors and staff found the registered manager approachable and keen to listen to the views of others. People were given opportunities to comment on the care they received and be involved with plans for the future. There were audits in place to monitor the quality of the service to drive improvements in care.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.