This inspection took place on 28 June 2016 and was unannounced. We previously visited the service on 6 February 2015 and we found the registered provider had met the regulations we assessed during that inspection.White Rose Lodge is registered to provide accommodation and personal care for up to 38 older people, some of whom may be living with dementia. On the day of this inspection there were 30 people using the service. The service has various seating areas and people can choose to spend the day in one of the communal areas or in their own room. The service is located on the sea front in the seaside town of Bridlington in East Yorkshire and is close to town centre facilities. The service has its own grounds and parking area.
The registered provider is required to have a registered manager in post and on the day of the inspection there was a manager registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). ‘A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.’
Overall we found the premises were safely maintained and there was evidence in the form of maintenance certificates, contracts and records to show this. However, we found that some of the portable appliances at the service had not been tested in line with the registered provider’s policy and the annual gas safety check for the kitchen was last completed on 24 June 2015 which meant it was overdue by four days at the time of this inspection. We have made a recommendation about the timely servicing of appliances and systems in the report.
People told us they felt safe living at the service. People were protected from the risks of harm or abuse because there were effective systems in place to manage any safeguarding concerns. The registered manager and care staff understood their responsibilities in respect of protecting people from the risk of harm.
Staffing numbers were sufficient to meet people’s need and we saw that duty rotas accurately reflected this. Recruitment policies, procedures and practices were followed to ensure staff were suitable to care for and support vulnerable people. The management of medication was safely carried out.
People were cared for and supported by qualified and competent staff that were regularly supervised. Communication was effective, people’s mental capacity was appropriately assessed and their rights were protected. People's nutritional needs had been assessed and people told us they were very happy with the food provided. We observed people’s individual food and drink requirements were met.
We observed assessed people received compassionate care from kind and considerate staff and that staff knew about people’s needs and preferences. People were supplied with the information they needed at the right time, were involved in all aspects of their care and were asked for their consent before staff undertook care and support tasks. People told us that staff listened to them, respected their decisions and treated them with dignity and respect.
Care plans were person centred, reviewed and updated regularly and information was effectively communicated to enable staff to provide person centred care responsive to people’s needs. People had the opportunity to engage in a variety of pastimes and activities if they wished to do so.
Overall, care staff and people who lived at the service told us the service was well managed. People told us they would not hesitate to express concerns or make a complaint, and they were confident their concerns would be listened to and acted on. There was a process in place to manage complaints that were received by the service. In addition to this, there were systems in place to seek feedback from people who lived at the service, relatives and staff.
Quality audits were undertaken of the systems within the service to help make sure people’s needs were safely met.