20 January 2014
During a routine inspection
The provider had systems in place to gain consent from people before providing care. We found care plans and risk assessments in people's records and one relative said 'We meet with the nurse to agree any changes to care.'
The provider had an infection control policy and we found a staff training programme was in place. Staff had access to personal protective equipment such as disposable gloves and aprons and all the people and relatives we spoke with told us staff used these when providing personal care.
The provider had a complaints policy in place and people were supported to give feedback on the service they received through regular quality reviews and an annual survey. One person told us that when they had raised a concern it had been responded to and dealt with.
We found the agency had a recruitment and selection policy. The provider had systems in place which ensured staff had the right skills and experience to meet the needs of people they cared for. There were systems in place to check professional staff registrations.