At the time of our initial visit the registered manager was not available. We spoke with two support workers, met with the assistant manager on the second day of our inspection, and met the registered manager on the third day of our inspection.We spoke with two of the people who use the service, who told us staff sought their consent before they provided support. We spoke with two relatives of people who use the service. One relative said 'X will tell them what they want. They are very happy here, and have a good relationship with the staff.' Two people who use the service were unable to communicate verbally with us, but we observed staff interacted appropriately to ensure they acted in accordance with the person's consent.
We observed the home was clean, and saw the provider carried out checks to ensure the infection control policy was followed appropriately. People who use the service carried out some cleaning duties, supervised by staff. One person said 'I sweep the floor'. One relative told us 'I've never seen anything dirty. It always looks clean.'
Documents showed that appropriate maintenance and servicing was carried out, in accordance with manufacturers' and the provider's guidance. For example we saw the hoist was checked by external contractors. We spoke with two support workers, who told us their servicing team 'come out every two weeks, but they do emergency repairs quicker.' The home was suitable for the mobility and other needs of the people who live there.
We were told the provider undertook appropriate recruitment checks, and saw evidence of this in one set of recruitment records for a member of staff. However, we were unable to view further recruitment records. This meant we were unable to verify that people who use the service were protected from inappropriate care or support, as we did not see the recruitment safeguards required in a selection of staff files.
We saw that records were stored appropriately, either in lockable cabinets or electronically with password protected access. However, not all records we required to see were readily available, nor could they be located promptly.