- Homecare service
Hales Group Limited - Wickford
All Inspections
6 December 2018
During a routine inspection
The provider recognised that the retention of staff had a positive impact on the quality of care people received so had introduced various incentive schemes to recognise good practice and show staff they were valued. Consequently, the service retained a consistent workforce which meant that people benefitted from having regular care workers who knew them well. Work had been done on improving support planning which reflected a commitment to delivering person-centred care.
Staff were kind and caring and people were treated with dignity and respect. People were involved in decisions about how they would like their care provided and were supported to make their own choices and be as independent as they could be.
Some people felt that communication at the office could be improved as people were not always notified when the staff rota changed or if staff were going to be late. The service recognised that improvements were required and had invested in new technology to address these concerns and improve the safety and quality of the service.
Risks to people had been identified and staff had a good knowledge of how to keep people safe from avoidable harm. People were supported to take their medicines in a safe way by staff who had been assessed and trained as competent. There were sufficient numbers of staff who had been safely recruited to meet people's needs.
Staff received an excellent induction and benefitted from face to face classroom based training, supervision and observations of practice to ensure staff were competent in their role. People were assisted to have enough to eat and drink and maintain their health and wellbeing.
People's needs had been holistically assessed and they received care and support that was personalised to meet their individual needs.
The service responded positively to concerns and complaints and worked with people and their relatives to resolve issues.
The service engaged with people to find out their views. Feedback was used to drive improvements. Regular checks were completed by staff, the management team and provider to monitor the quality and safety of the service.
More information is in the detailed findings below.
Rating at last inspection:
First Inspection
About the service:
The Hales Group provides personal care to people living in their own home. This includes adults with physical disabilities, learning difficulties and people living with dementia. At the time of inspection the service was supporting 39 people.
Why we inspected:
This was a planned first inspection of the service.
Follow up:
We will continue to monitor the service through the information we receive.