We consider all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we ask;'Is the service safe?
'Is the service effective?
'Is the service caring?
'Is the service responsive?
'Is the service well led?
This is a summary of what we found.
Is the service safe?
We spoke to three carers and two people who used the service on the day of inspection and we spoke with two family members over the phone the following day. One person said, "He was fine, staff are good. I go out regular for a walk on my own; sometimes I go to the town." Another person said, "He was ok, happy living here." A staff member said, "I like working here it is a good home." One family member we spoke with said, "I have been involved in the care plans and have no issues with the home. The staff are lovely and always helpful."
We spoke with three members of staff about safeguarding people from abuse. They all understood their responsibilities and how to report any concerns or allegations of abuse. One member of staff said, "We protect people from abuse, if there was an incident for example: one person impacting against another. I would report this to my manager." Staff members were able to identify types of abuse and were also aware of the whistleblowing policy.
There were regular audits undertaken of all medicines held within the home.. There was a list of signatures for staff that were trained to administer medicines. At the time of our inspection there were no controlled drugs being used in the home.
The lounge was spacious with enough seating for people who used the service. The home was suitably designed and had a good layout.
We looked at the staff training matrix. We found that staff members were up to date with their training in areas such as: first aid, managing challenging behaviour, how to assist people to move safely and the safeguarding of vulnerable adults. We spoke with three staff, one said, "I have completed a level three diploma.' Another member of staff said, 'I am up to date with all my training.' The manager confirmed that staff members were supported to undertake additional training.
Is the service effective?
We saw that the provider had a system in place, 'The Purple Folder'. This was used for medical appointments or emergencies. The separate folder contained all relevant information about the person. For example, contact details, medical history, medication and allergies the person might have. This meant that there was a procedure in place to help with the sharing of information in an emergency.
Is the service responsive?
We looked at one care plan and found that this was detailed and centred on the person's needs including information about their lifestyles, communication, behaviour support plan and their likes and dislikes. The care plans included risk assessments for areas such as, behaviour management. All staff had signed to say they had read and understood the risk assessments contained in people's care plans. There was clear guidance for staff to follow in the care plans for example: one person's risk assessment around epilepsy. There were clear guidelines in place for staff to follow in the event of a seizure to keep the person safe.
Is the service well led?
Not assessed during this inspection.