• Doctor
  • Independent doctor

London Travel Clinic Hitchin

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

100 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1LB (01462) 459595

Provided and run by:
London Travel Clinic Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 17 March 2020

The London Travel Clinic at London Bridge provides travel health services including vaccinations, medicines and advice on travel related issues to both adults and children. The clinic is based at 100 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1LB. The location has three linked sites at Canary Wharf (Located within LycaHealth), 1 Westferry Circus, LondonE14 4HD, cannon Street, Dowgate Hill House, 14 – 16 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R and Greenwich, 4 College Approach, London, SE10 9HY.

The service sees between 200 and 500 patients per month at the sites associated with The London Travel Clinic at London Bridge. The service is a designated yellow fever vaccination centre. Services are available to any fee-paying patient. The service had corporate account clients for businesses to access travel health services for their employees. In March 2018 Vaccination UK purchased the provider, The London Travel Clinic. The legal entity remains the same even though the service was taken over by a new provider.

Patients are directed to the fourth floor of the building which is accessible via lift or stairs, to the provider’s reception and waiting area. The areas used by the service include a consultation room, a store room and an administrative space. There were no toilets on site accessible to those with mobility issues and the front of the building required patients to climb a small set of stairs. We were told that those with mobility issues could be seen at one of the other London Travel Clinic sites which are suitable for those with mobility issues.

Services are available by appointment only between 10am and 8pm Monday, 8.30am to 8pm Tuesday, 9am to 4.40pm on Wednesday, 2.40pm to 8pm Thursday, 9.40am to 4pm on Friday and 10am to 3.40pm on Saturday.

The service is overseen by a clinical director for travel medicine, a chief operating officer and a medical lead.

At a local level the service is run by a travel nurse specialist, who is the nurse manager and operations manager, a reception and administration manager and four nurses. Those staff who are required to register with a professional body were registered with a licence to practice.

The service is registered with the CQC to provide the regulated activities of diagnostic and screening procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.

Overall inspection


Updated 17 March 2020

We carried out an announced focused follow up inspection on 17 February 2020 at London Travel Clinic London Bridge to confirm that the provider had carried out their plan to meet the legal requirements in relation to the breaches in regulations that we identified in our previous inspection on 16 August 2019. This report covers our findings in relation to those requirements and also additional improvements made since our last inspection.

Overall the practice is now rated as Good.

Our key findings were as follows:

  • There were systems in place to assess, address and mitigate the risks associated with fire and legionella.

  • The business continuity plan included contact details of all staff working in the service.

  • All staff knew who the safeguarding lead and fire mashals were in the service.

  • Staff understood their duty to raise concerns, report and record incidents and near misses.

  • There were systems in place to review and update Patient Group Directions (PGDs).

In addition the provider should:

  • Consider ways to better accommodate patients with accessibility needs.

Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP

Chief Inspector of General Practice