5 July 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We looked at six care plans during this visit. Records had been updated to reflect people's choices for bathing or showering and the type of toiletries they preferred. We found similar improvements had been made by informing the chef about people's likes and dislikes in relation to food. We asked four people living in the home about their diets. Each person told us they enjoyed the meals provided and they said they were given food in sufficient quantities. One person told us, "Staff always ask if we want more at mealtimes." Another person commented, "You can ask staff for a sandwich or something if you are hungry between meals."
During our last visit care plans did not contain sufficient information to guide staff in how to recognise when people diagnosed with dementia needed pain relief. At this visit we saw clear guidelines added to a care plan to inform staff of the signs they needed to look out for to determine if the person was in pain.
Improvements had also been made by recording people's preferences about the way they were supported with their continence needs.
We found care records to contain more consistent recording of what people did during the day. However, the quality of the information in activity records varied across the three units.