- Care home
Hawthorn Lodge Care Home
Report from 21 May 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment 24 September to 2 October 2024.
Hawthorn Lodge Care Home is a ‘care home’ providing personal care and support to older people, people with physical disabilities, sensory impairment and people living with dementia. At the time of the assessment, the service was supporting 34 people with their personal care needs.
Hawthorn Lodge Care Home was last rated inadequate (published 7 December 2023). The report was published following CQC’s old inspection approach using key lines of enquiry (KLOEs), prompts and ratings characteristics. This assessment has been completed following the Care Quality Commission (CQC) new approach to assessment; Single Assessment Framework (SAF).
We assessed a total of 15 quality statements from the safe, and well-led key questions and found areas of concern. The scores for these areas have been combined with scores based on the key question ratings from the last inspection.
We have identified breaches in relation to dignity and respect, person-centred care, safe care and treatment and governance.
People were not always treated with dignity and respect. People’s care was not always approached in a person-centred way. Care plans did not guide staff on how to support people in a way that met their needs and preferences and promoted choice and independence. People were at risk of infection due to poor infection prevention and control processes and practice. Poor medicines management meant people’s health and wellbeing were at risk. Safety risks to people were not always managed and risks were not always assessed or mitigated. The governance processes in place were not effective and management did not have oversight of issues identified at the assessment. The provider had not updated their service user bands as part of the registration process and was providing care to people with mental health support needs and a learning disability which was outside of their registered service user bands.
People's experience of this service
People gave mixed feedback about how safe they felt at the home with some people saying they felt safe and others that did not. Those who stated they felt unsafe identified this was due to other people living at the home and not the care they received. People said there were not always enough staff to safely monitor people and provide support. People who received support with medicines told us they received the right level of support. Not all people we spoke with felt the home was hygienically clean, but they had no concerns regarding the support they received with their personal care.
People did not have any concerns about their choice or rights being restricted and there were no barriers to when they could receive visitors. People told us they had access to healthcare professionals as required.
No one spoken with said they were involved in planning their care and reviews or were aware of what was in their care plan.
The home had experienced some changes in leadership and not all people we spoke with were aware of who the manager was. People told us they had resident meetings and were able to make suggestions to improve the home or the care they received. However, people did not always feel suggestions were responded to and they received no feedback.