During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
On the 13 May 2014 we undertook a desk top review of Jabs Travel Clinic Limited. We undertook a review of the records and information the provider had submitted to the Care Quality Commission in relation to the areas of non-compliance. We found the provider had met the standards.
Since the last inspection the provider had reviewed their consent to care and treatment processes. The manager told us about a change they had implemented to ensure that written consent to care and treatment was always recorded in people's clinical records. We noted that a consent records audit had also been undertaken and completed since our last inspection.
People were protected from the risk of abuse because staff had completed appropriate training. The provider submitted certificates of training to evidence this learning.
The provider had undertaken a review of the complaints process and had included timescales for responses. Feedback forms were now routinely given to all of the people who used the service. The manager told us that a regular review of feedback and complaints would be undertaken by the provider.