19 June 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what people using the service and the staff told us, what we observed and the records we looked at.
Is the service safe?
Care staff were trained to carry out their duties safely and efficiently. They told us that the training they received in safeguarding vulnerable adults gave them confidence that they would know what action to take if they had any concerns.
People's care plans identified and assessed risks in their daily lives, for example due to poor eyesight. This helped staff to be aware of the care and assistance people needed to keep them safe.
Arrangements were in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies such as fire and arrangements to reduced risks, such as from substances hazardous to health, were regularly audited.
We saw that the provider had carried out the necessary checks to ensure that staff were of good character and had the skills needed to provide safe care and support.
Policies and guidance informed staff of the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and we saw that service was provided in accordance with the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
Is the service effective?
People received the care and support they required to maintain their health and well-being. We saw that people's welfare was protected while their independence and community involvement was supported.
Is the service caring?
People were pleased with the service and felt that they received good care. One person commented that the staff, 'Do their utmost to make it pleasant ' and I think they succeed.'
People's care was planned and delivered in accordance with their needs and preferences. We saw that staff treated people gently and sought their consent before providing care.
Is the service responsive?
We found that the service was responsive to people's wishes. Care plans were agreed with the people who used the service and were reviewed and adjusted in response to any changes in their needs. Feedback was encouraged and acted on.
Is the service well led?
The provider had effective systems in place to check and monitor the quality of the service.
There were effective recruitment and selection processes. Care staff confirmed that they had received appropriate training to be able to carry out their duties. We saw that they delivered the quality of service that was expected in an efficient and caring manner.