About the service: Wigan Community Services, known by people using the service and the staff employed as My Care My Home, provide domiciliary care to people via direct payments or through self-funding. At the time of inspection 68 people were using the service
People’s experience of using this service:
People spoke positively about the care they received from staff who were described as being brilliant, kind, caring and considerate. People and their relatives stated they felt safe, well supported and would recommend the service to others.
People were actively involved in their care from the initial assessment through to the setting up and review of their care plans. People told us they felt able to contact the service at any time to talk about their care and request changes or updates.
Risks to people had been assessed, with control measures in place to ensure they and staff remained safe and well.
People told us staff were well trained and competent, providing care they way they wanted it. Where necessary we saw specific training sessions had been completed, to ensure staff could meet people’s changing needs.
Staff told us they felt well supported and had opportunity to discuss their roles via supervision, appraisals and team meetings.
People had been provided with details of how to raise a complaint, but had not had cause to. People told us they would feel comfortable discussing any issues with the registered manager, who they said was approachable.
The registered manager had clear oversight of the service. Audits and quality monitoring systems were used to support this and ensure standards were maintained and continuous improvement aimed for.
For more details please see the full report either below or on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
Rating at last inspection:
This was the first inspection since the service had registered with the Care Quality Commission in April 2018.
Why we inspected:
This inspection was part of our scheduled plan of visiting services to check the safety and quality of care people received. Newly registered services are inspected within 12 months of registration.
Follow up:
We will continue to monitor information and intelligence we receive about the service to ensure care remains safe and of good quality. We will return to re-inspect in line with our inspection timescales for good services, however if any information of concern is received, we may inspect sooner.