The Marine and Oakridge Partnership 29 Belle Vue Road, Southbourne, Bournemouth BH6 is located in the Bournemouth area of Dorset. There is a high proportion of people aged between 20 to 39, and 80 years living in the Bournemouth area. The main population of patients using the Marine and Oakridge practice are over 85 years and some of these patients have long term conditions such as heart conditions.
There are 10,170 patients registered at the practice. Eight GP partners, practice nurses, health care assistants, practice management team and administration staff support patients. A GP partner was a member of the East Bournemouth Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
This practice is registered with CQC to provide diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder, or injury.
We spoke to patients and their carers. We reviewed written feedback from five patients, which was provided on comments cards in advance of the inspection. All patients provided positive feedback about the practice and staff. We reviewed the results of the 01/01/2013 – 30/09/2013 patient survey. This showed patients were consistently pleased with the service they had received.
We found effective chaperone (a member of staff supporting a patient during intimate examinations) and safeguarding vulnerable adults and children policies, which supported the needs of young people in the practice.
Patients were able contact the practice during opening hours and have a telephone consultation with a GP.
Patients in vulnerable circumstances were supported by staff who had a good understanding of their needs.
Patients with medical conditions or symptoms related to the misuse of alcohol and drugs visited the practice and were referred to external organisations for additional support.