Updated 23 August 2018
Burgess Road Surgery is located in a converted detached property that used to be part of a local church at 357a Burgess Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO16 3BD.
The website can be found at www.burgessroadsurgery.co.uk
The practice is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide regulated activities for diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, surgical procedures, and the treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
The practice has an NHS Personal Medical Services contract to provide health services to approximately 9,600 patients in and around the Portswood, Swathling, Chilworth and Bassett areas of Southampton.
The practice is an urban, city centre practice with a varied and diverse population. The practice has 18% student population with a diverse ethnic mix of patients. There is a high instance of depravation and an increasing elderly population.
The practice moved to the current location in June 1998. The building is at ground level making it fully accessible for the disabled. There is a spacious waiting room with an enclosed courtyard.
There are seven consulting rooms and three treatment rooms one of which is also used as minor surgery room, all room are on ground floor.
A pharmacy attached to the practice is run independently by Boots Pharmacy. There are other pharmacies in the area.
The practice currently has four partner GPs and two salaried GPs, two male and four female. The practice has one advanced nurse practitioner, five practice nurses and one healthcare assistant.
The clinical team are supported by a practice manager and a team of receptionists, typist and administration support staff.
The practice is open Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6pm, On some days the surgery opens at 7.30am. The surgery reception is open throughout the lunch hours.
The practice is open most Saturdays 8am to 10am for booked appointments only. Patients could request to be seen in the evening between 6:30pm – 8:00pm and at weekends at one of Southampton Federation hub practices.
Routine pre-bookable appointments were available up to six months in advance. The practice offered urgent same day appointments. Appointments could be made in person or by telephone and the practice aimed to see all patients within 24 hours for routine appointments and on the same day for urgent problems.
The practice has opted out of providing out-of-hours services to their own patients and refers them to the Out of Hours service via the NHS 111 service.