Rusthall Medical Centre provides care to approximately six thousand patients. The practice is registered to provide diagnostic and screening procedures, maternity and midwifery services, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The practice is located on one site and provides some services in the local community such as maternity clinics and GP home visits.
During the inspection, we spoke with eight patients who used the service. Patients were complimentary about the service. They told us they were able to access appointments when they needed and the practice met their care needs. They said staff were courteous and respectful. Patient feedback was considered by the practice.
The practice was clean, well maintained and equipment was safe to use. Incidents and complaints were considered, discussed by the GPs and appropriate changes made to the service to improve quality and safety.
We found there was effective leadership in the practice and care and treatment was planned around the patient. We saw evidence that clinical outcomes were good for patients. Audits were used effectively to identify how the quality of care could be improved. Patient care was discussed with external professionals to ensure continuity and a shared awareness across services.
Staff had access to clinical guidance and tools which supported them to provide appropriate patient care.
The practice was well led and staff understood their roles and responsibilities. Staff knew how to report any incidents which could affect patient care and they were robustly investigated. We saw staff took steps to maintain patient confidentiality. Staff feedback was considered by the practice and action taken to improve quality. Some staff told us communication could be improved.
During our inspection we looked at how well services are provided for specific groups of people and what good care looks like for them. The population groups we reviewed were:
- Older people
- People with long-term conditions
- Mothers, babies, children and young people
- The working-age population and those recently retired
- People in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care
- People experiencing a mental health problems
- We found the practice provided a responsive service for some patients within each population group