• Doctor
  • GP practice

Gosford Hill Medical Centre

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

167 Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2NS (01865) 374242

Provided and run by:
Gosford Hill Medical Centre

Report from 6 March 2024 assessment

On this page



Updated 25 March 2024

The practice was responsive to the needs of the local population. Patients could use the phone system, E-consults(online consultations with clinicians) and could receive information through text messages to support them in accessing information. The provider had a flexible approach to staffing levels and adjusted them as required to ensure sufficient staffing and skills mix. The Registered Manager told us there was an ‘on the day’ list of patients for those reporting a same day need. Patients could speak with trained patient service advisers who recorded information and could signpost patients based on guidance. If patients needed to or insisted on seeing or speaking with a GP, then patients were always added to the list to be reviewed by a GP. E-consults were reviewed by GPs alongside the daily appointment allocation, therefore this service did not impact on phone or face to face appointments. The practice monitored data and feedback related to patients’ experiences when accessing care at the service. Where negative feedback was received or opportunities to improve were identified, the practice responded with changes designed to improve access.

This service scored 79 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 3

We did not look at Person-centred Care during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 3

We did not look at Care provision, Integration and continuity during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Providing Information

Score: 3

We did not look at Providing Information during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 3

We did not look at Listening to and involving people during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Equity in access

Score: 4

National GP Patient survey results for the practice were above the local and England averages. For example, 70% of patients stated they found it easy to get through on the phone compared to 53% locally and 50% nationally. In addition, 77% of patients were offered a choice of appointment the last time they tried to access one compared to 59% locally and 59% nationally. Also, 74% of patients described their overall experience of making an appointment as good compared to 55% locally and 54% nationally. There was evidence of active and positive interaction with the patient focus group, including requesting feedback on appointments and access to services. The practice undertook the friends and family test (FFT) and feedback from January and February 2024 was very positive. For example, in February, 84% of patients reported they were specifically very likely to recommend the practice to someone else and 95% stated they were either somewhat or very likely to recommend the practice. We received feedback from 23 patients during the assessment regarding their experiences of using the service. All the feedback was highly positive from patients. Patients stated their experiences of accessing appointments was very positive and that they could usually access services they needed quickly, in a way that suited them and that staff were responsive to their needs. Examples of feedback included “We have always been able to get appointments for planned check-ups as well as emergency appointments. We are very happy with the service and find the GP service to be invaluable.” And “The online booking system makes this straightforward and again, reminders are sent the day before. All the staff, admin, nursing, health care assistants, doctors seem totally committed to their patients. I have never been at a practice where I have felt so confident about my health care.” And “On two occasions when visiting relatives have been unwell the Practice has seen them..."

The practice informed us that all reception team (patient service advisers) were trained in care navigation and were able to signpost patients to the most appropriate clinician or service. These staff underwent care navigation training and had guidance to support them. Where a receptionist was concerned about a patient this was flagged to the duty doctor who provided clinical oversight. The practice was open until 6.30pm from Monday to Friday and there were extended hours on Monday evenings to enable access to people who may struggle to attend during traditional working hours. The registered manager informed us pre-bookable and on the day appointments were available to all patients. E-consults were reviewed by GPs alongside the daily appointment allocation, therefore this service did not impact on phone or face to face appointments. Patients could book face to face appointments online or in person. There were sufficient resources to meet the diverse needs of the patient population.

Interviews with leaders demonstrated they had a full understanding of the local patient population and their needs. Leaders told us they monitored the appointment system daily and the leadership team discussed access to services regularly. The leadership team demonstrated they were aware of the challenges to accessing services faced by some patients. For example, there were flags on the patient record system for patients with disabilities, sensory impairments, learning disabilities and needs related to neurodiversity. Longer appointments could be offered where patients needed them. Home visits were provided to vulnerable patients. A language translation service was available for patients who did not use English as a first language. The practice was a veterans support accredited service.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 3

We did not look at Equity in experiences and outcomes during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Planning for the future

Score: 3

We did not look at Planning for the future during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.