Updated 4 December 2023
Bonhomie Sarisbury Green is a care home without nursing. Its specialisms include support for those with sensory impairments, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries and those experiencing mental health conditions and / or other complex needs. The service aims to support people to re-develop their independence and skills, so that they can move on to more independent living settings. We carried out our on-site assessment activity on the 12 and 14 December 2023. We assessed 12 quality statements.
The registered manager and provider had failed to adequately assess and monitor the safety and quality of care being provided.
Insufficient improvements had been made following our last inspection to ensure medicines were safely managed and risks to people were adequately assessed and planned for.
New concerns were identified with how the service managed incidents affecting people’s safety.
At our last inspection, we recommended improvements be made with regards to how legal frameworks for consent were being implemented. These improvements had not been made.
The service was not able to demonstrate how they were meeting some of the principles of Right support, right care, right culture. For example, there was insufficient evidence of planning and consideration of people's preferences and longer-term aspirations. Improvements were needed to ensure people were at all times treated in a dignified and respectful manner.
The provider was not always promoting safety through the hygiene and maintenance of the premises, this had been a concern when we last inspected the service.
Improvements were needed to ensure the service appropriately escalated safeguarding concerns to all of the relevant agencies.
People were empowered to share their views and provide feedback, however, the processes in place demonstrating how these were acted upon needed to be more robust.
The service had enough staff who had overall received appropriate training.