- Homecare service
ICare (GB) Limited - Cannock Also known as Stafford
Report from 3 September 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Person-centred Care
- Care provision, Integration and continuity
- Providing Information
- Listening to and involving people
- Equity in access
- Equity in experiences and outcomes
- Planning for the future
This is the first assessment for this service, we assessed all quality statements. At this assessment the rating for this key question is good. This meant people’s needs were met through good organisation and delivery. People told us they were involved in their care planning and future goal settings. Care plans were person centred around the needs, wishes and choices of the people receiving support. Care was regularly reviewed with people, relatives and other professionals. People were supported to access the community and other health services as and when required.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Person-centred Care
People told us they received person-centred care. One person said, “Staff know me very well. They support me the way I like.”
Staff told us care was person-centred. They told us about people’s care and how they supported people in accordance with their needs and preferences.
Care provision, Integration and continuity
Relatives told us the provider acted on feedback from health professionals and were responsive to peoples changing needs. One relative said, “If the staff have noticed something like a pressure area on my [family member’s] skin, they will report this and contact the GP.”
Staff told us they followed recommendations from health professionals and supported people to access health services.
The provider shared their correspondence with health professionals. Where risks to people were reviewed, actions were agreed with health professionals in order to support people safely.
Minutes of meetings recorded the provider liaised with health professionals and discussed the care and support provided to people.
Providing Information
People and relatives told us they could access the care plan, and they knew how to raise any complaints or concerns. One relative said, “I could pick up the phone and call the provider at any time.”
Staff told us how they ensured people knew how to raise concerns. One staff member said, “People have the number and email of the office. If someone wanted to tell me about a concern, I would record it and pass it back to the office straight away.”
The provider used an electronic system to store care plans and risk assessments. These were available to people, relatives (where appropriate) and staff to access and remain informed. Care plans documented people’s communication needs.
Listening to and involving people
People told us they felt staff listened to them and respected their opinion. One person said, “Staff always ask if I am okay or whether I want something. They always check to see if I have any worries or concerns.” One relative told us, “Staff talk to my [family member] in a way they can understand, my [family member] struggles to verbally communicate, but staff persevere, they understand them and make my [family member] laugh."
Staff told us how they adapted their communication style to meet people’s needs and how they ensured communication aids were in good working order. One staff member said, “Some people can be hard of hearing. We sometimes need to speak loudly and clearly. We need to make sure people's hearing aids have batteries. Yesterday, 1 person had their hearing aids in the wrong ears, they couldn’t hear me so I asked if I could take a look. I was able to help the person to put them in correctly.”
The provider sent out questionnaires to people and relatives involved in the service in order to gather their feedback. The results were shared during a team meeting with the staff team.
Equity in access
People and relatives told us the provider worked alongside health and social care professionals. One relative said, “If my [family member] needs to attend a medical appointment staff make sure they get there on time and update me straight away.”
Staff told us they encouraged people to stay active and to carry out daily tasks. One staff member said, “Sometimes people get comfortable with routines. We push independence, offering reassurance to encourage people to do as much as they can. We make sure they know we are here for them.”
Visiting professionals told us they work alongside the provider in order to promote good outcomes for people.
Care plans and health records documented people were able to access health appointments. The provider raised referrals on people’s behalf to health professionals requesting support and mobility equipment.
Equity in experiences and outcomes
People told us how staff supported them to access the community and to continue with hobbies and interests. One person told us how staff supported them to attend a community event and how much they had enjoyed themselves.
Staff gave us examples of how they supported people to engage in activities they enjoyed. One staff member told us how they supported a person to continue gardening. Another staff member told us how they supported a person to access the community to enjoy shopping and attend hairdresser appointments.
The provider accessed additional aids for people to remain independent and to continue to enjoy positive experiences. We reviewed examples, where the provider used virtual assistance technology and other aids to help people continue to communicate with family and friends. The provider shared examples where they had submitted referrals for ramps to enable people to leave their homes safely.
Planning for the future
Relatives told us the provider supported people to achieve their goals and maintain their independence.
Staff told us about people’s goals and how they supported people to achieve these. One staff member said, “[Person] was not walking well due to a stroke, through encouragement and support their mobility increased. They have come along so much.”
Goals were clearly documented in people’s care plans and records documented clear instructions for staff to follow to support people to meet these goals.