• Care Home
  • Care home

St Georges Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Kenn Road, Bristol, Avon, BS5 7PD (0117) 954 1234

Provided and run by:
Aria Healthcare Group LTD

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 8 August 2024

Date of assessment, site visit commenced on the 5 September 2024, off site activity ended on the 13 September 2024. We assessed all the quality statements in safe and well-led and the quality statement of assessing needs in effective and independence, choice and control in caring. The overall rating for safe is requires improvement and caring, effective and well-led are rated good. At the time of our assessment, the service was being managed by an interim manager, a deputy manager and a senior management team. The provider had identified areas of improvement before our inspection which included improvements needed to people’s care plans, documentation, the environment and activities. Although the provider had identified specific areas for improvement, we found some care plans did not accurately record what individualised support people needed, medicines were not always administered safely. Some people felt unsafe due to incidents that had occurred and some people had to wait to be supported with their breakfast or when they called for assistance. Feedback from health professionals who were visiting the service told us there were not always enough staff and that staff needed to know people’s individual needs including how to support with their diabetes care, various concerns had been raised by professionals with the local authority around this. We found improvements were needed to ensure call bells were answered in a timely manner and that staff vacancies were recruited to so people could be supported with staff employed, trained and supervised by the service which would support the quality of care provided to people. Staff felt supported and able to raise concerns. Staff were due to attend training in how to support with dementia and staff needed training in how to support people with a learning disability or autism.

People's experience of the service

Updated 8 August 2024

People did not always feel safe and some people shared with us incidents they had experienced whilst at the service. People and relatives told us there were not always enough staff as some people had to wait for call bells to be answered this could be at any time during the day of night. Staff were observed supporting people in a polite and respectful manner. Staff were observed promoting people’s independence and supporting people when they requested assistance such as with their lunch. Healthier snack options were not available or being offered to people to support their dietary needs such as diabetes.

People were visited by friends and families and there were twice a week visits from the local GP surgery. People’s views were sought through management walk arounds and surveys. This included asking people about how their care and support was being provided. People could raise complaints with the manager and there was a complaints log where the manager confirmed any outcomes or actions.