Updated 30 September 2024
Date of assessment started on the 8 October 2024 and finished on the 18 October 2024. This included visits to the service on the 8, 9, 10 October 2024. We assessed all the quality statements in safe and well-led. The scores for both of these quality statements is Good.
People were supported by enough staff although we found one person during our inspection, on two occasions who could have been at risk of falling. Incidents and accidents were logged and investigation’s undertaken if required. Where people needed one to one support this was provided.
Staff received training in safeguarding adults and mental capacity act. All staff we spoke with felt supported and able to go to raise any concerns if they needed to and the provider had safe recruitment practices in place.
Not all people’s documentation was accurate and up to date. For example, this included some documentation such as risk assessments, mental capacity assessments and personal evacuation plans. The home was clean and odour free and staff had access to personal protective equipment. Feedback from health care professionals was positive and they told us staff were helpful and polite.
Medicines were administered by nursing staff and although we observed medicines being administered safely, we found improvements were required to ensure medicines were safe whilst being administered to people and how they were being signed for.