Updated 16 December 2024
Date of assessment: 28 January 2025 to 11 February 2025. Claydon House is a nursing home, providing personal and nursing care for up to 45 people. At the time of our visit there were 42 people being supported. Some of these people were in receipt of end of life care.
We carried out this responsive assessment in response to risks across all of our key questions.
Managers carried out pre-assessments for people wanting to move to the service. These were thorough and involved people, their loved ones and other professionals. People were accepted into the service if their support needs could be met.
People were treated with kindness by staff. Staff were aware of the importance of respecting people’s privacy without compromising their safety.
Care was provided in a person centred way putting people first and respecting their individual needs, likes, dislikes and preferred routines.
The registered manager was a visible and supportive presence at the service. They acknowledged that there were improvements to make and responded in a timely way to the issues raised. Some auditing process lacked detail and there was no formal process for monitoring continuous improvement. The service did work well with other professionals.
However, although accidents and incidents were reported there was no structured approach to lessons learned and of putting in place mitigations to minimise the chance of recurrence. Some risk assessments were missing and other lacked detail. The medicines room was untidy, preventing easy access to some equipment and some medicine administration records (MAR) were incomplete. There were some PRN (as and when required medicines) protocols missing. Safeguarding processes were in place and people felt safe. The service was clean and maintenance systems regularly checked.