31 December 2013
During a routine inspection
We looked at the NHS Choices website that had the facility for people to post their view about their dentist. One person had done so and rated the practice as 'five star' (maximum rating) and described it as 'professional and friendly'.
One person we spoke with told us it was their first visit and that they did not need any treatment. They described their visit as 'A good experience' and told us they felt the dentist was 'Very caring'.
Another person who attended for tooth fillings told us how the dentist explained procedures to them. They said they felt the practice was 'Very good' and described the practice as 'Friendly and pleasant'.
We found that a range of information was available for people including the procedure for making complaints. People were consulted about their treatment and asked to give their views about the service. Before any treatment was carried out people gave consent. People's safety was a priority and the provider took account of guidance relating to health and safety in the practice and had good arrangements for infection control.
There were safe recruitment procedures followed and staffing enabled people's needs to be met. Staff felt supported and had opportunities for training including child protection awareness and safeguarding vulnerable adults.