- NHS hospital
The York Hospital
Registration details
The location ID for The York Hospital is RCB00.
CQC register The York Hospital to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think The York Hospital is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Blood and transplant service
- Community services - Healthcare
- Diagnosis/screening
- Hospital
- Long-term conditions
- Rehabilitation (illness/injury)
Service specialism
- Services for everyone
Local authority
Monitored services
CQC register The York Hospital to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Maternity and midwifery services
Mr Simon Morritt is responsible for these services.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
By 4pm Friday 23 January 2023 and thereafter on the 23rd day of every month the registered provider must provide the following:
i. An updated copy the action plan that covers all conditions on your restriction that are contained within this notice.
ii. All reports written to provide assurance to the senior leadership team and/or trust board to demonstrate compliance with the conditions.
iii. Update on training figures, to include separated into each individual module of learning (including trust compliance figure)
iv. Maternity dashboard
By 4pm Friday 23 December 2022, in addition to a detailed action plan, the registered provider must provide the following:
i. A detailed plan of how it will ensure patients have an appropriate assessment of their health needs including risk assessments to reflect the care they require. The plan must identify how it will achieve this in the short to medium term, including any immediate actions taken.
ii. A detailed plan of how you will ensure patients are clinically prioritised and their health needs are managed appropriately. The plan must identify how you will achieve this in the short to medium term, including any immediate actions taken. iii. Summary report of the actions taken to address the immediate risk to patients, this should include detailed evidence of how you will achieve and monitor this.
iv. Detailed plan of how you are routinely monitoring patient harm – this should include documentary evidence such as governance framework, incidents, audits, performance data, meeting minutes, terms of reference of all relevant meetings and evidence of trust board oversight. This should include how it will be communicated with all staff.
v. A report providing details of the systems and processes that are implemented to comply with the conditions, for ensuring effective systems to ensure that medical and midwifery staff are suitably qualified, skilled and competent to care for and meet the needs of women and babies within all areas of the Maternity Services.
vi. The action plan must include assigned responsibilities, timelines for completion, measurable and appropriate actions.
The registered provider must implement an effective risk and governance system which ensures that:
i. There is oversight at service, division and board level in the management of the maternity services;
ii. There are effective quality assurance systems in place to support the delivery of safe and quality care;
iii. Risk and occurrence of incidents are properly identified and managed, to include an effective system of recording actions taken and ensuring learning from any incidents;
iv. Serious incidents are reflected and reported correctly in line with national guidance and adequately investigated.
v. Ensuring learning is shared from the investigation. vi. Incident grading is reviewed to ensure it is accurate and in line with national guidance.
a. The registered provider must implement an effective system for managing and responding to patient risk to ensure all mothers and babies who attend York and Scarborough hospital are cared for in a safe and effective manner and in line with national guidance.
b. The registered provider must operate an effective clinical escalation system to ensure every woman attending the hospital is triaged, assessed and streamlined by appropriately skilled and qualified staff.
Termination of pregnancies
Mr Simon Morritt is responsible for these services.
Nursing care
Mr Simon Morritt is responsible for these services.
Family planning
Mr Simon Morritt is responsible for these services.
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Mr Simon Morritt is responsible for these services.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must with immediate effect implement an effective system to identify, mitigate and manage risks to patients at York Hospital who present to the emergency department with mental health needs. The system must take account of the relevant national clinical guidelines.
Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983
Mr Simon Morritt is responsible for these services.
Surgical procedures
Mr Simon Morritt is responsible for these services.
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Mr Simon Morritt is responsible for these services.
Management of supply of blood and blood derived products
Mr Simon Morritt is responsible for these services.