Archived: Scarborough Hospital
All Inspections
12 December 2011
During an inspection looking at part of the service
service or their relatives that gave us cause for concern. People told us that generally they
were treated well and that staff were polite and supportive.
18 August 2011
During an inspection looking at part of the service
14 December 2010 and 11 January 2011
During an inspection looking at part of the service
People told us that they were content with the food that they were served. They also told us that there were no interruptions when meal times were taking place. They told us that if they had concerns they would speak to nursing staff. People told us that the premises seemed clean and they had no issues on two of the wards that we visited. People on one temporary ward were unhappy with the facilities that were available.
People told us that they had not experienced any problems with any of the medical equipment used and that staff know how to use it. They told us that the staff were knowledgeable and confident. They felt that the staff were well trained. People told us that they had not been directly asked about the quality of care that they had been given but were happy with the care that they had received and knew who to speak to if they wanted to make comments about their care. People told us that their records were up to date and they had not seen any examples of their records being stored inappropriately so that other people could see them. They had not had to wait for any results and said that staff recorded the care and observations in their notes straight away.