We carried out a follow up inspection between 6 and 9 December 2016 to confirm whether North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust (NCUH) had made improvements to its services since our last comprehensive inspection, in April 2015. We also undertook an unannounced inspection on 21 December 2016.
To get to the heart of patients’ experiences of care and treatment, we always ask the same five questions of all services: are they safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs, and well-led? Where we have a legal duty to do so, we rate services’ performance against each key question as ‘outstanding’, ‘good’, ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’.
When we last inspected this trust, in April 2015, we rated services as ‘requires improvement’. We rated safe, effective, responsive and well-led as ‘requires improvement’. We rated caring as ‘good’.
At Cumbria Infirmary in Carlisle (CIC) we rated services overall as ‘requires improvement’. We rated surgery, critical care and services for children and young people as ‘good’, with all other services rated as ‘requires improvement’.
There were three breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations at this hospital. These were in relation to staffing, person centred care, and assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision.
The trust sent us an action plan telling us how it would ensure that it had made improvements required in relation to these breaches of regulation. At this inspection we checked whether these actions had been completed.
We found that the trust had improved in some areas. However, Cumberland Infirmary (CIC) remained rated as ‘requires improvement’ overall, with caring and effective rated as ‘good’ and safe, responsive, and well-led rated as ‘requires improvement’.
Our key findings were as follows:
- Nursing and medical staffing had improved in some areas since the last inspection. However, there were still a number of nursing and medical staffing vacancies throughout the hospital, especially in medical care, surgical services, and services for children and young people, including the special care baby unit.
- The trust had systems in place to manage staffing shortfall as well as escalation processes to maintain safe patient care. However, a number of registered nurse shifts remained unfilled despite these escalation processes. The ‘floor working’ initiative within medical care should be reviewed in order to support safer nurse staffing.
- Despite ongoing recruitment campaigns the trust had struggled to recruit appropriate clinicians in some specialities.
- Compliance against mandatory training targets was an issue in some services.
- Access and flow across the emergency department, medical care, surgical services, and outpatients remained a significant challenge.
- For an extended period, the hospital had failed to meet the target to see and treat 95% of emergency patients within four hours of arrival and the hospital was failing to meet a locally agreed trajectory to see and treat emergency patients within the standard agreed with regulators and commissioners.
- We found patients experienced overnight delays in the emergency department whilst waiting for beds to become available in the hospital.
- Between 2015 and 2016 the trust cancelled 1,410 elective surgeries. Of these, 12% were not treated within 28 days.
- For the period November 2015 to November 2016 CIC cancelled 573 elective surgeries for non-clinical reasons.
- Referral to treatment time (RTT) data varied across specialities, particularly in surgical services.
- Within the outpatients department, across the trust, several clinics had been cancelled within six weeks of the scheduled clinic date, and there were no plans in place to address this issue. Turnaround times for inpatient plain film radiology reporting did not meet Keogh standards, which require inpatient images to be reported on the same day.
- Delays in obtaining suitable community care placements were causing access and flow difficulties, particularly in medical care services.
- There had been an improvement in record-keeping standards throughout the hospital, however, we identified some ongoing areas for improvement around accurate completion of fluid and food charts, risk assessments, and completion of DNACPR forms, some of which did not provide evidence of a best interest decision or mental capacity assessment being undertaken and recorded where appropriate.
- There was some improvement in strengthening of governance processes across the hospital, however, within some services, particularly medical care and maternity, there were gaps in effective capturing of risk issues, and in how outcomes and actions from audit of clinical practice were used to monitor quality.
- Due to the review of the Cumbria-wide healthcare provision there remained no clear vision nor any formal strategy for the future of maternity or of services for children and young people.
- Staff knew the process for reporting and investigating incidents using the trust’s reporting system. They received feedback from reported incidents and felt supported by managers when considering lessons learned.
- The policy and activity around the transfer of critical care patients, including children and babies, to other hospitals were good.
- The hospital had infection prevention and control policies in place, which were accessible, understood, and used by staff. Patients received care in a clean, hygienic, and suitably maintained environment.
- There were no cases of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus infection (MRSA) reported between November 2015 and October 2016. Trusts have a target of preventing all MRSA infections, so the hospital met this target within this period. The trust reported nine MSSA infections and 23 C. Difficile infections over the same period.
- Safeguarding processes were embedded throughout the hospital.
- We saw that patients were assessed using a nutritional screening tool, had access to a range of dietary options, and were supported to eat and drink.
- Patients were positive about the care they received. Staff were committed to delivering high quality care. Staff interactions with patients were compassionate, kind, and thoughtful. Patient privacy and dignity was maintained at all times.
- Patient feedback was routinely collected using a variety of measures, including real time patient experience.
We saw several areas of outstanding practice including:
- The trust was a National Patient Safety Awards finalist for ‘Better Outcomes in Orthopaedics’.
- The trust had the only surgeon between Leeds and Glasgow doing a meniscal augment in the knee.
- A University of Cumbria Honorary Professorship had been received by a consultant for work on applying digital technologies in health care for an elderly population in a rural setting; a part of CACHET.
- The trust had set up a multinational, multicentre prospective study in the use of intramedullary nail in varus malalignment of the knee. It had the largest international experience of this technology for this application.
- CIC was one of only 18 Hospitals in England and Wales referred to in the first NELA audit for contributing examples of best practice in care of patients undergoing emergency laparotomy.
- There was evidence of real strength in multidisciplinary team (MDT) working across stroke, neurorehabilitation, and older person’s services;
- An ‘expert patient programme’ and a ‘shared care initiative’ had been set up to promote patient empowerment and involvement in care;
- A variety of data capture measures were used to monitor ‘real-time’ patient experience and collate patient feedback;
- The trust operated innovative and progressive Frailty Unit projects;
- There had been growth, expansion, and development of the MPU service; and
- The trust had implemented dance-related activities for vulnerable patient groups, to stimulate social interaction, patient involvement, family partnerships, and exercise.
However, there were also areas of poor practice where the trust needs to make improvements.
Importantly, the trust must:
In urgent and emergency services
- Meet the target to see and treat 95% of emergency patients within four hours of arrival linked to meeting the locally agreed trajectory to see and treat emergency patients within the standard agreed with regulators and commissioners.
- Ensure medical and nursing staff use the computer system fully as intended so that patient real time events are recorded accurately and this is demonstrated through audit.
- Take further steps to resolve the flow of patients into and out of the hospital.
In Medicine
- Ensure that systems and processes are established and operated effectively to assess, monitor, and improve the quality and safety of the services provided, and evaluate and improve practice to meet this requirement. Specifically, review the escalation process involving ‘floor working’ to ensure the quality and safety of services are maintained; and
- Ensure that sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, competent, skilled, and experienced persons are deployed across all divisional wards. Specifically, ensure safe staffing levels of registered nurses are maintained, especially in areas of increased patient acuity, such as NIV care and thrombolysis.
In Surgery
- Must ensure the peri-operative improvement plan is thoroughly embedded and that all debrief sessions are undertaken as part of the WHO checklist to reduce the risk of Never Events.
- Improve compliance with 18 week referral to treatment (RTT) standards for admitted patients for oral surgery, trauma and orthopaedics, urology, and ophthalmology;
- Improve the rate of short notice cancellations of operations for non-clinical reasons, specifically for ENT, orthopaedic, and general surgery; and
- Ensure that patients whose operations are cancelled are treated within the following 28 days.
In Maternity and Gynaecology
- Review staffing levels, out of hours consultant paediatric cover, and surgical cover to ensure they meet the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) guidelines (including ‘safe childbirth: minimum standards for the organisation and delivery of care in labour’); and
- Ensure that systems are in place so that governance arrangements, risk management, and quality measures are effective.
In Services for Children and Young People
- Ensure that children and young people’s services meet all Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) - Facing the Future: Standards for Acute General Paediatric Services (2015 as amended); and
- Ensure that nurse staffing levels on SCBU adhere to establishment and meet recognised national standards.
In End of Life Care
- Ensure that DNACPR forms are fully completed in terms of best interest assessments, in line with the Mental Capacity Act.
In Outpatients and Diagnostic Imaging
- Address the number of cancelled clinics in outpatient services; and
- Ensure that referral to treat (RTT) indicators are met across outpatient services.
In addition the trust should:
- Ensure that levels of staff training continue to improve in the hospital, so that the hospital meets the trust’s targets by 31st March 2017;
In urgent and emergency services
- Increase the complement of medical consultant staff as identified in the accident and emergency service review
- Achieve quantified improvements in response to the trauma audit and research network (TARN) audit and the NICE clinical guideline self-harm audit (CG16), and demonstrate progress achieved through audit.
- Take steps to ensure patient confidentiality can be maintained in the accident and emergency reception area.
- Extend the scope and consistency of staff engagement
In Medicine
- Continue to progress patient harm reduction initiatives;
- Revisit the ‘floor working’ initiative, particularly across Elm wards;
- Revisit thrombolysis cubicle bed utilisation to reduce potential unnecessary, inappropriate, or inconvenient bed moves;
- Ensure infection prevention and control (IPC) compliance improvement and consistency in standards, in particular regarding catheter and cannula care;
- Ensure that best practice guidelines for medicines-related documentation is reinforced to all prescribers;
- Ensure that care and treatment of service users is appropriate, meets their needs, and reflects their preferences. Specifically, ensure the endoscopy pathway design meets service user preferences and care or treatment needs;
- Ensure that oxygen prescribing is recorded and signed for accordingly;
- Ensure that medicines management training compliance improves in line with trust target;
- Ensure that NEWS trigger levels are adhered to (or document deviation/individual baseline triggers in the clinical records);
- Ensure that fluid and food chart documentation is accurate, to reflect nutritional and hydration status;
- Ensure that staff are given time to complete all necessary mandatory training modules and an accurate record is kept;
- Ensure that all equipment checks are completed in line with local guidance;
- Continue to proactively recruit nursing and medical staff, considering alternate ways to attract, such as utilising social media;
- Ensure that measures are put in place to support units where pending staffing departures will temporarily increase vulnerability;
- Ensure that food satisfaction standards are maintained and, where relevant, improved;
- Develop an action plan to detail objectives to improve and progress diabetes care across the division;
- Evidence improvements in patient outcomes for respiratory patients around time to senior review and oxygen prescribing;
- Ensure that all staff can access development opportunities in line with organisational/staff appraisal objectives, protecting/negotiating study time where required;
- Ensure that appraisal rate data recorded at trust level coincides with figures at divisional/ward level;
- Revisit the patient journey, booking, and listing procedures at the endoscopy suite at CIC;
- Continue to minimise patient moves after 10 pm;
- Continue to work with community colleagues to develop strategies to minimise delayed transfer of care (DTOC) and unnecessarily lengthy hospital stays for patients medically fit for discharge;
- Reinforce the benefits of dementia initiatives to ensure consistency of practice;
- Ensure that the risk register is current and reflects actual risks with corresponding, accurate risk rating;
- Ensure that all actions and reviews of risk ratings are documented;
- Ensure that progress continues against its Quality Improvement Plan (QIP), and realign completion dates and account for deadline breaches;
- Revisit medical rota management processes for junior doctors;
- Revisit modes of communications with staff to ensure efficiency whilst avoiding duplication;
- Ensure that staff involved in change management projects are fully informed of the aims and objectives of the proposal, and these are implemented and concluded in appropriate timeframes; and
- Ensure that divisional leads and trust leaders promote their visibility when visiting wards and clinical areas.
In Surgery
- Ensure that robust recruitment and retention policies continue, to improve staff and skill shortages;
- Continue to embed the perioperative quality improvement plan;
- Improve debrief in theatres post-surgery;
- Improve the proportion of patients having hip fracture surgery on the day or day after admission;
- Improve the rate of patients receiving a (VTE) re-assessment within 24 hours of admission;
- Improve cancellation rates;
- Ensure that all mandatory training is completed by 31st March 2017;
- Reduce the management of medical patients on surgical wards; and
- Ensure that bullying allegations in theatres are addressed.
In Critical Care
- The trust should take action to improve pharmacy staffing in line with GPICS (2015);
- The clinical educator should provide a full time role in the CIC unit in order to meet GPICS (2015) standards for a unit of this size;
- The role of the clinical coordinator should be protected as per GPICS (2015) standards. and
- Staff should not be moved to cover ward shortages if this compromises safe nurse to patient ratios of care in the critical care unit. Senior staff at trust and unit level should offer continued support and monitor this issue closely, to reduce the need for the frequency of unplanned staff movement to reduce risk of compromising patient safety and to improve morale amongst nursing staff in the unit.
In Maternity and Gynaecology
- Ensure that processes are in place for midwives to receive safeguarding supervision in line with national recommendations;
- Continue to improve mandatory training rates to ensure that trust targets are met by the end of March 2017;
- Ensure that there are processes so that record-keeping, medicine management, and checking of equipment is consistent across all areas; and
- Review the culture in obstetrics to ensure there is cohesive working across hospital sites and improved clinical engagement.
In Services for Children and Young People
- Ensure that staff adhere to and update the cleaning schedule and cleaning log in the children’s outpatient department as appropriate;
- Ensure that medical staff sign all signature sheets, and print their names and designations against all entries on all patient notes;
- Ensure that all staff have completed the required mandatory training, and the trust should ensure that its systems accurately reflect this data;
- Ensure that all staff are trained in the use of the flagging system on the patient database system in A&E for children and young people who have multiple attendances at A&E, children who are looked after, and children subject to a child protection plan’; and
- Ensure that the new paediatric anaesthetist lead (when appointed) receives an appropriate amount of professional leave time to develop a specialist skill base for this highly specialised role. This should include robust training and support, including time spent at specialist centres for paediatric surgery.
In End of Life Care
- Arrange formal contract meetings with members of the Cumbria Healthcare Alliance to monitor the service being commissioned and provided, and ensure it is of an appropriate standard in terms of quality and meeting patient need;
- Ensure that it is aware of the number of referrals to the Specialist Palliative Care Team (SPCT) within its hospitals;
- Ensure that it is aware of how many patients are supported to die in their preferred location, and there is regular audit of the Care of the Dying Plan to demonstrate this; and
- Produce an action plan to address areas in national audits where performance was lower than the England average, with key responsibilities and timelines for completion.
It is apparent that the trust is on a journey of improvement and progress is being made clinically, in the trust’s governance structures and in the implementation of a credible clinical strategy. I am therefore happy to recommend that North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust is now taken out of special measures.
Professor Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals