The majority of patients told us they were happy with the care provided on both the wards we visited and felt they had been treated with dignity and respect.One patient commented that she was a very private person and staff were sensitive to her needs and maintained her privacy.
Patients we spoke to felt involved in their care and some of the patients on the stroke ward felt they were involved in goal setting; although some patients felt they wanted to leave the decisions to the care professionals. We were told by some patients that the staff were very good at providing explanations and information, although one patient felt they were task rather than patient orientated. All the patients we spoke to felt staff explained what they were going to do and asked them prior to helping.
Most patients we spoke to felt that call bells were responded to in a timely manner although some commented that it's was more variable at night and at week-ends, dependent on staffing levels.
Patients we spoke to felt the mealtimes were relaxed and organised and that help was available if required and that staff gave assistance when required. Patients we spoke to were not offered hand washing facilities prior to eating and one patient told me she used the hand gel; another patient said she had to ask to be sat out of bed for lunch.
One patient told us that she now looks forward to her mealtime and there is always enough choice of food available.
Overall, patients were generally happy with the food quality and quantity provided and the help given by staff.