CQC appoints Interim Chief Inspector of Healthcare

Published: 24 February 2025 Page last updated: 24 February 2025

CQC has appointed Professor Aidan Fowler as Interim Chief Inspector of Healthcare covering Secondary and Specialist Care and Primary and Community Care. Aidan is currently National Director of Patient Safety in England at NHS England (NHSE), and a Deputy Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

Aidan is expected to be in the role for 6 months, on secondment from NHSE, while permanent Chief Inspectors are appointed.

Aidan was a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon in Gloucestershire for 10 years and Chief of Service for Surgery for 4 years before entering the NHS Leadership Academy Fast Track Executive Training Programme. He was also previously Director of NHS Quality Improvement and Patient Safety and Director of the 1000 Lives Improvement Service for NHS Wales.

Aidan takes up the Interim Chief Inspector role from 24 February 2025. Chris Dzikiti, who is currently Interim Chief Inspector of Healthcare, will become Interim Executive Director of Operations and Executive Lead for Mental Health. The recruitment process for a permanent Chief Inspector of Hospitals and a Chief Inspector of Primary and Community Care are ongoing.

Sir Julian Hartley, Chief Executive at CQC said:

“Aidan brings a wealth of expertise and leadership to CQC, and I am delighted he is joining us at this pivotal time. We have a lot to do to improve our systems, processes and culture, to get us to be the regulator we all want us to be – supporting health and social care services to provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care. There’s a lot of important work ahead and Aidan’s role will be vital in re-focusing on the important leadership role we play in the quality of care for healthcare.

“Aidan will work alongside Chris Dzikiti, Interim Executive Director for Operations and Executive Lead for Mental Health, and James Bullion, Interim Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care and Integrated Care.”

Professor Aidan Fowler said:

“This is a significant time to be joining CQC as we work to ensure our regulatory approach drives high-quality care and supports services to meet the complex challenges facing our health system.

“I look forward to working with Julian, the wider executive team and Board over the next 6 months to help to ensure we are a regulator who people can trust to uphold standards of care.”

Professor Sir Stephen Powis, National Medical Director of NHS England said:

“Aidan’s commitment to building a system and culture that prioritises learning has influenced and improved the NHS’s approach to patient safety.

“His leadership and determination to improve the safety and quality of healthcare for patients will be instrumental in supporting CQC to continue to support health and care services to provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care.”

Photograph of Aidan Fowler