New resource aimed at encouraging improvement in NHS maternity services

Published: 19 September 2024 Page last updated: 13 January 2025

We have published a series of online resource materials aimed at sharing good practice and encouraging improvement in NHS hospital maternity services. 

Developed in collaboration with providers, maternity staff and stakeholder organisations, the resources are aimed at maternity service staff at all levels to help support their efforts to deliver high-quality care and make improvements where needed.

The resources sit alongside a new report, which presents the findings from our recent national maternity inspection programme. The report highlights common issues impacting on the quality and safety of NHS hospital maternity services across the country. 

While we know that many of the issues highlighted in the report are systemic, there are opportunities for services to improve and learn from one another. 

Based on evidence from our national inspection programme and engagement with providers, maternity staff and stakeholder organisations, the resources are based around 4 themes: 

  • leadership and culture 
  • safety incidents 
  • triage processes and procedures 
  • healthcare equity. 

Each area includes information relating to: 

  • what good looks like
  • what we look for on inspection
  • an example of excellent practice. 

We have also created a space that links to guidance and good practice from other organisations. 

We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the development of the resources. We want to make sure the resources are useful and welcome your feedback through our web survey to help us continue to develop the online space.