Stephen Marston

Page last updated: 26 July 2024
Non-executive director

Stephen took up the position of non-executive director in January 2021.

Stephen has been Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gloucestershire since 2011.

Before joining the University, he worked in a range of civil service roles, including as Director General for Universities and Skills in the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills.

He has served as a non-executive director on many Boards and has been a member of the CQC Board since January 2021. Stephen also chairs the Board of AdvanceHE and is a board member of the Gloucester Culture Trust.

Stephen is the non-executive director responsible for Freedom to Speak Up.

Declaration of interests

Commission for Tertiary Education and Research, Wales

Non-executive Board Member and Chair of the Quality Committee

University of Derby Governing Council

Non-executive Board Member

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Related information

Expenses of senior management and board members.

Photo of Stephen Marston

Stephen has been Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gloucestershire since 2011