W4. Are there clear responsibilities, roles and systems of accountability to support good governance and management?
Characteristics of services we would rate as requires improvement in this area
The arrangements for governance and performance management are not fully clear or do not always operate effectively. There has been no recent review of the governance arrangements, the strategy, or plans.
Staff are not always clear about their roles, what they are accountable for, and to whom.

Only applies to specialist mental health services
Mental Health Act (MHA) reviewer reports are not routinely reviewed and statistical information on the MHA is not always monitored and compared with national data. There are relationships with stakeholders around the MHA, but they are not formalised to address any issues of implementation.
Reports on the performance of MHA managers are compiled, but not reviewed at board level. Second opinion appointed doctor (SOAD) requests and activity are not routinely reported to the board.
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- healthcare services